Walk with Me

We are writing so that our joy may be complete (1 John 1:4)

In 2019, I made the decision to befriend St. John the Evangelist as the saint to accompany me throughout the year. After choosing him I found out that he is the patron saint of love, loyalty, friendships, and writers. Throughout 2019, I found all those themes merge together.

After a beautiful long year walking besides St. John I was overjoyed to celebrate his feast day on December 27th. I can’t really begin to explain what it felt like to have spent a year cultivating a friendship with a saint, and then hear something that he wrote, knowing that he wrote it just for me. The line that spoke to me the most was: “We are writing so that our joy may be complete” (1 John 1:4). I felt like St. John was saying, “You spent a year seeing how God did so many things for you, now it’s time to share.” In sharing, I know my joy will be even more complete, like the reading says. You see, last December was when I deleted my instagram (that’s a blogpost in of itself), I took various steps to be detached from things that pulled me down. However, it was also a year that I became somewhat reclusive, perhaps too introspective, and private, which is unlike me. I think now I am ready to share and to be open about the path that is unfolding before me. 

I invite you to walk this path with me, through unfiltered reflections, thoughts, and poems, as the path is ever unfolding. 
