Slow Down, Spread Joy

Something new in my life has been my desire to live each moment intentionally, particularly moments of joy and celebration. I’ve always been one to strive for productivity and making the most of my time, which often led to spreading myself too thin with work and other commitments. However, when it came making time to enjoy life and making life more pleasing for others, well, that never happened. That’s different this year, I’m embracing the celebratory moments, especially holidays more fully. Up until this year, I was very apathetic towards holidays, most notably: Christmas. I scoffed at the consumerism that is so prevalent in this season. However, I began to think just because the rest of the world may get sucked in the consumerist mindset, doesn’t mean I have to. Also, life is hard and too short to not write Christmas letters for friends, or try a holiday recipe, or go for extra whipped cream on your hot cocoa. I’ve included some ways I’ve embraced the holiday seasons a little more. 

Try new recipes

This year I took more initiative with the Thanksgiving dinner. It is maybe my top holiday and sadly the top chefs in the household spent Thanksgiving with extended family.  I’m happy to say that I stepped up to the challenge of Thanksgiving dinner by baking Sweet Potato Pie, which was simple and incredible. I showcased my love for butternut squash by making a delicious Butternut Squash and Apple Soup. On the side, I whipped up a Roasted Cranberry and Pear Salad. I love baking, but it comes with its disappointments too. I tried making dinner rolls as well, emphasis on ‘tried’. Overall, my family loved the new recipes, especially the Sweet Potato Pie. There is something really satisfying about knowing that I have something to offer, something to bring to the table in every sense.

My favorite elements of the dinner were the flowers and the delicious pie.

My favorite elements of the dinner were the flowers and the delicious pie.


I know this one is a given, but I used to never decorate! There is something really lovely about decorating your space according to the given holiday. I feel like it really prepares your heart for the celebration that is to come and fills it with joy. It’s not a selfish endeavor at all, it makes those around feel lighter and happy, and who doesn’t want that? It is also nice to exercise that creativity when it comes to decorating. This Thanksgiving, I decorated the table, it took some creativity to work with in order to  elevate the space. I used candle holders for vases and tall flowers. This created an elegant look that was not distracting and did not steal attention from the main attraction, the turkey of course. When it came to Christmas decoration, I opted for decorations you could find at the five dollar section at Target. Things don’t have to be expensive to bring peace and joy in your space, it just requires some creativity and that’s the beauty of it.

My adorable little tree brought so much cheer.

My adorable little tree brought so much cheer.

Make a list

Not a naughty and nice list, rather I found it really helpful to make a Christmas bucket list to actually help me slow down and do things for others during this season. Some items on the list include writing christmas cards, baking for the neighbors, and doing some community service. I’ve written some Christmas letters already and it felt so nice to disconnect from my other duties and instead focus on bringing joy to others. I can’t wait to complete the other items on my list. 

I’ve really been enjoying this change in myself, I’m not sure what made my heart grow two sizes, like the Grinch. I guess I realized that life after college is very monotonous. Life is difficult, especially now that there have been so many changes. When obstacles and challenges arrive that is the time for me to really evaluate what’s important to me and act accordingly. What really matters to me is living life slowly, enjoying the little things, and spreading joy. Embracing holidays, and living them well, allows me to do just that, slow down and spread joy.


Styling for Authenticity


Thoughts of an Urban Educator: Autumn 2020